Listen to The Emergent Liberation Collective Podcast


Emergent Liberation Collective Podcast is a seeding space for somatics and spirituality as vehicles for regenerative belonging.

T. Aisha Edwards and Kaila June, both somatic facilitators, invite a journey of collective remembering toward renewal and dreaming into the unknown.

ELC acknowledges personal and ancestral trauma as embedded in the oppressive socio historical context of EMPIRE (body hierarchy, colonization, totalitarian agricultural economic systems) that privileges some living beings over others and privileges the visible over the invisible. We desire to participate in a relational web that acknowledges spirit and community as sources of wisdom.

ELC co-creates an open ended praxis to disentangle the embodied beliefs and imprints of colonized civilization in order to plant new seeds and remember our base relationship with earth and life. By offering vulnerable conversations, inspired readings and somatic practices, ELC desires to awaken curiosity, insight and hunger for deeper shared wisdom and radical renewal. Like a murmuration of starlings, we thread a somatic way, a participatory field toward listening and learning together.

We are excited to be in community with you! Stay up to date on all things ELC.

Support our project for human liberation through healing personal, collective, and ancestral trauma through embodiment practice and the somatic way while enjoying subscriber-only content as a Patreon member

Emergent Liberation Collective

“Spirit should be the leader and guide for everybody in a community”

— Sobonfu Some